Calzedonia was founded in 1986 in Verona with their purpose being to sell primarily beachwear to men, women and children, through franchised stores that would be easily accessible. Over 25 years has passed and now the company has 1750 shops in many countries, including Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Spain Poland and the UK.
Their success was down to a number of things. Firstly they have a wide selection of fashion items. They pay much attention to detail on their clothes keeping up with the latest fads and creating the next up and coming trend. Calzedonia take time to create a careful design with good quality appropriate fabrics. Most of all they are successful because they achieve all this while still maintaining great value.
The Franchise System
Being a franchisee of Calzedonia is equivalent to being in an exclusive and reliable partnership. Calzedonia recognises the power its franchisees hold over the success of the company and want to see them thrive further. Therefore Calzedonia provide the franchisees with constant support before and after the opening of the store. There is an initial theory course followed by an internship in an actual store. Developmental meetings will continue to happen throughout the course of the arrangement which will give the franchisee the opportunity to discuss issues or queries as well as learn skills from the other franchisees.
Other benefits that follow being a franchisee are that they have the exclusive right to use the recognised and already trusted brand name. They need not concern themselves with advertising campaigns as they can benefit from the nationwide promotion as well as being supplied with posters and catalogues etc.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The environment is very important to Calzedonia. The Calzedonia Group, which includes some other brand names, won the bronze prize in the Environmental Awards 2014. The group aims to create much more awareness about damage being done to the environment and in particular they want to create more involvement in recycling.
The Calzedonia group had two very successful recycling campaigns between 2011 and 2012. The first was an initiative that the Calzedonia stores began. Customers were invited to recycle old clothes by using bins at allocated stores. They could then purchase from the new collection at a reduced price, or take something that equalled their recycling.
Another brand from the Calzedonia brand named Intimissimi encouraged women to bring back old bras and replace them with ones from the new collection.
Calzedonia organised a three day wellness and fit summer event in Andros. Greek fashion bloggers and digital media were invited to take part in yoga and hiking and other activities to do with healthy living.
Julia Roberts has been heavily involved with Calzedonia building a strong relationship with the brand. She has filmed advertising campaigns for them in 2014 and 2015 and has filmed another in 2017 where she has appeared to re-create a famous scene from Pretty Women.
Calzedonia have launched what could potentially be the new must have for summer 2017. Their new range of bikini’s and full swimsuits are customisable, with customers having the chance to print their name or a phrase they like on the material, using an exclusive online service.
Quick facts
Year business began:
Franchising since:
Estimated number of units: