United States of America
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Midas are an extremely successful automotive repair store that for 60 years have been giving their customers a high quality service for repairing and caring for their cars. It now spreads across 14 countries but began in the US in April 1956.

In 1931, Nate Sherman and Joe Marx set up a factory to make mufflers when they realised the number of people using cars was only going to increase. They began working with The Armour Institute of Technology which helped make the mufflers better. They made them rust resistant and more durable. Hugh Landrum became the first franchisee in 1956 and within that year, 100 more stores joined the franchise and hence ‘Muffler Installation Dealers Associated Service’ or Midas was created. In 1975 Midas started franchising in Europe, the first franchise landing in Belgium. From there it continued to grow across Europe, now finding itself in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy as well as many other places.

The Franchise System

Midas is one of the biggest, best and most trusted automobile brands in the world. Its numbers have grown and grown. There are more than 1000 Midas stores in the US and more than 2000 across the rest of the world.

Becoming a franchisee at Midas means exceptional training and support from the company will be provided. There are several stages to the training process and support does not end once the initial training is over. The first part of the training includes five days of observation in an already existing Midas store. From there the company works with the new owner to develop the new business plan. The franchisee is then invited to headquarters where they undergo two weeks of classroom training.

Once the business is up and running, field support is available from a team of people who help the new business owner improve their day to day operations. Franchise managers work closely alongside the new franchise and shop operations managers provide training for the sales team. Franchisees always have access to a vast amount of business literature and mechanical reading material through TBC University.

Corporate Social Responsibility

‘Drive Out Hunger’

Midas feels very strongly that something needs to target the hunger in America and elsewhere. The franchise is running a campaign where by every tyre that is sold across America, a meal is donated to Feeding America. A meal is also donated every time a photo of a tyre is uploaded online. Across the U.S and Canada, Midas workers and operators are working with local food banks to help hunger relief efforts in those areas.


In 2016, Midas and Michelin North America came together. They struck a deal that Midas would be allowed to sell Michelin branded tyres to customers in the U.S.


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