Schmetterling Reisen

Quick facts
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Schmetterling Reisen was established in 1976 and has grown into the biggest co-operation of travel agents in Germany. It’s a family run medium sized enterprise that welcomes partnerships into a positive company that is expanding and reaching new markets.

The mission of the company is to provide people with a perfect service. They should receive maximum safety, excellent comfort and significant attention to detail no matter where they travel and have a conscious understanding that they are being dealt with, with passion.

Franchise System

Whether someone with an existing travel agency would like to become a partner, or whether someone is just starting out with a new business idea, Schmetterling welcomes everyone.

There are serious advantages available to an aspiring business person once they join the brand. Schmetterling has a top position in the market, so the opportunity for success is unlimited. Franchisees have access to high quality technology, legal and tax tips, a centrally controlled marketing system and travel agents cards which have many benefits and perks.

Training is thorough and intense so that new travel agents are more than capable of starting their business. Franchisees are trained in the Schmetterling Academy. Ongoing support is always available following initial training. Franchisees will have support from advisory councils, forums and online social media support, annual meetings that have fresh and relevant information as well as continuous learning seminars.


Schmetterling were very pleased with their success in 2016. Sales were up by 0.8% and they were delighted to bring on board so many new partners. 277 members joined the brand name which was more than in 2015.

In 2017, Schmetterling revamped their internet booking system so that people now have access to it on mobile devices, like smart phones, tablets etc. The App provides an overall better performance and easier more convenient booking.

Finanacial Information

Annual Fee: €310 if turnover €500,000


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