Children's Franchise Opportunities

7 Children's Franchises in Poland

Invest in the booming children’s franchise industry and you will benefit from a strong, in-demand market. Children’s franchises respond to the needs of parents. Why not benefit from this exciting and proven industry by considering purchasing one of the children’s franchises below?
Quick facts
{yearEstablished=0, _template=/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs, backgroundImage=[], description=Step into a world where cutting-edge laser and holographic technology bring animals and immersive environments to life in breathtaking detail. The Hologram Zoo redefines entertainment, delivering an awe-inspiring experience unlike anything seen before. Named Time Magazine’s Technology of the Year 2023 and Gold at the 2024 Edison Awards, this groundbreaking concept combines innovation, imagination, and technology to transport guests to places they’ve only dreamed of., training=true, className=ProfilePromo, media=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=434}, alt=Axiom Holographics, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=434}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=401}, alt=Axiom Holographics, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=401}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=397}, alt=Axiom Holographics, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=397}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=402}, alt=Axiom Holographics, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=402}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=1372, height=1030}, alt=Axiom Holographics, narrowImage={src=, width=1372, height=1030}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], title=Hologram Zoo, minimumInvestment=$170,000 - $400,000 USD, availableLocations=[DE, PT, DK, LT, LU, HR, LV, UA, HU, MC, MD, ME, IE, MK, EE, AD, BOS, MT, IS, AL, IT, AM, ES, AT, AZ, RO, NL, NO, SRB, BE, FI, RU, BG, FR, SE, Kosovo, SI, BY, SK, SM, GB, GE, CH, GR, CY, CZ, PL, LI, TR], hatSticky=false, sbaApproved=false, yearFranchised=0, investmentValue=400000, sponsoredOverrideTitle=Hologram Zoo , disableLeadDelivery=false, id=0000018d-ce31-deca-abef-ceb766c20001, headerSticky=true, sponsoredOverrideDescription=Step into a world where cutting-edge laser and holographic technology bring animals and immersive environments to life in breathtaking detail. The Hologram Zoo redefines entertainment, delivering an awe-inspiring experience unlike anything seen before. Named Time Magazine’s Technology of the Year 2023 and Gold at the 2024 Edison Awards, this groundbreaking concept combines innovation, imagination, and technology to transport guests to places they’ve only dreamed of., minimumInvestmentValue=0, leadSource=3, profileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=700, height=340}, alt=Axiom Holographics, narrowImage={src=, width=700, height=340}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], _parentFiles=[/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs], sponsoredOverrideProfileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Axiom Holographics, image={src=, width=700, height=340}, narrowImage={src=, width=700, height=340}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], subIndustries=Business Opportunities,Business & Professional Franchises, franchiseAssociations=, disableLeadRequest=false, universeDescription=, sponsoredProfileTitle=Featured Franchise, url=, partTime=false, requested=false, numberOfUnits=0, homeBased=false, categoryIcon=teddy-bear, mediaGallery=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Axiom Holographics, image={src=, width=650, height=434}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=434}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Axiom Holographics, image={src=, width=650, height=401}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=401}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Axiom Holographics, image={src=, width=650, height=397}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=397}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Axiom Holographics, image={src=, width=650, height=402}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=402}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Axiom Holographics, image={src=, width=1372, height=1030}, narrowImage={src=, width=1372, height=1030}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=ff40b31b965d142b2997a661fd8bfa08d, videoId=cZeVkS4VFJM, videoTitle=Hologram Zoo Franchise Video, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], allowNavOverflow=true, location=Opportunities available throughout Europe., previousMonthLeadCounts=11, businessType=Franchise, category=[{_template=/core/link/Link.hbs, body=Children's Franchises, contentId=0000015c-d61a-d671-affd-d7beea0c0000, href=, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], previousMonthPageViews=439}
Step into a world where cutting-edge laser and holographic technology bring animals and immersive environments to life in breathtaking detail. The Hologram Zoo redefines entertainment, delivering an awe-inspiring experience unlike anything seen before. Named Time Magazine’s Technology of the Year 2023 and Gold at the 2024 Edison Awards, this groundbreaking concept combines innovation, imagination, and technology to transport guests to places they’ve only dreamed of.
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Quick facts
{yearEstablished=0, _template=/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs, backgroundImage=[], description=Founded in 2017, Hans & Gretel is a unique, must-see destination that brings fairytales to life. Our mission is to create unforgettable experiences for people of all ages through a wonderful selection of sweets and immersive moments that spark childhood nostalgia., financingAssistance=None, training=true, className=ProfilePromo, media=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=1500, height=1001}, alt=Profile gallery image 1, narrowImage={src=, width=1500, height=1001}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=1080, height=719}, alt=Profile gallery image 2, narrowImage={src=, width=1080, height=719}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=433}, alt=Hans & Gretel gallery image.png, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=433}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=2048, height=1103}, alt=Profile gallery image 4, narrowImage={src=, width=2048, height=1103}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], title=Hans & Gretel, minimumInvestment=€95,000, availableLocations=[DE, PT, DK, LT, LU, HR, LV, UA, HU, MC, MD, ME, IE, MK, EE, AD, BOS, MT, IS, AL, IT, AM, ES, AT, AZ, RO, NL, NO, SRB, BE, FI, RU, BG, FR, SE, Kosovo, SI, BY, SK, SM, GB, GE, CH, GR, CY, CZ, PL, LI, TR], hatSticky=false, sbaApproved=false, yearFranchised=0, investmentValue=95000, sponsoredOverrideTitle=Hans & Gretel, disableLeadDelivery=false, id=00000192-75fb-da17-a9db-f7fb44570000, headerSticky=true, sponsoredOverrideDescription=Founded in 2017, Hans & Gretel is a unique, must-see destination that brings fairytales to life. Our mission is to create unforgettable experiences for people of all ages through a wonderful selection of sweets and immersive moments that spark childhood nostalgia., minimumInvestmentValue=95000, leadSource=3, profileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=402}, alt=Hans & Gretel logo image, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=402}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], _parentFiles=[/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs], sponsoredOverrideProfileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Hans & Gretel logo image, image={src=, width=650, height=402}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=402}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], subIndustries=Children's Franchises,Retail Franchises,Travel & Leisure Franchises,Food Franchises, franchiseAssociations=, disableLeadRequest=false, universeDescription=, sponsoredProfileTitle=Featured Franchise, url=, partTime=false, requested=false, numberOfUnits=0, homeBased=false, categoryIcon=dollar-sign, mediaGallery=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Profile gallery image 1, image={src=, width=1500, height=1001}, narrowImage={src=, width=1500, height=1001}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Profile gallery image 2, image={src=, width=1080, height=719}, narrowImage={src=, width=1080, height=719}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Hans & Gretel gallery image.png, image={src=, width=650, height=433}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=433}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Profile gallery image 4, image={src=, width=2048, height=1103}, narrowImage={src=, width=2048, height=1103}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], allowNavOverflow=true, location=Opportunities available throughout Europe., previousMonthLeadCounts=13, businessType=Franchise, category=[{_template=/core/link/Link.hbs, body=Business Opportunities, contentId=0000015c-d61a-d671-affd-d7beea0b0000, href=, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], previousMonthPageViews=336}
Founded in 2017, Hans & Gretel is a unique, must-see destination that brings fairytales to life. Our mission is to create unforgettable experiences for people of all ages through a wonderful selection of sweets and immersive moments that spark childhood nostalgia.
Information requested
Quick facts
{yearEstablished=0, _template=/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs, backgroundImage=[], description=Since our launch in 2019, we have successfully created innovative themed rooms that engage young minds in problem-solving, teamwork, and creative thinking, all in a fun and safe environment., financingAssistance=None, training=true, className=ProfilePromo, media=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=1290, height=860}, alt=Profile gallery image 1, narrowImage={src=, width=1290, height=860}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=5000, height=3333}, alt=Profile gallery image 2, narrowImage={src=, width=5000, height=3333}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=433}, alt=Kids Escape Room, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=433}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=650, height=433}, alt=Kids Escape Room, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=433}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=5464, height=3643}, alt=Profile gallery image 3, narrowImage={src=, width=5464, height=3643}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], title=KiDS ESCAPE ROOM, minimumInvestment=€50,000, availableLocations=[DE, PT, DK, LT, LU, HR, LV, UA, HU, MC, MD, ME, IE, MK, EE, AD, BOS, MT, IS, AL, IT, AM, ES, AT, AZ, RO, NL, NO, SRB, BE, FI, RU, BG, FR, SE, Kosovo, SI, BY, SK, SM, GB, GE, CH, GR, CY, CZ, PL, LI, TR], hatSticky=false, sbaApproved=false, yearFranchised=0, investmentValue=50000, sponsoredOverrideTitle=KiDS ESCAPE ROOM, disableLeadDelivery=false, id=00000191-d22f-d035-a7f5-dbef42b20000, headerSticky=true, sponsoredOverrideDescription=Since our launch in 2019, we have successfully created innovative themed rooms that engage young minds in problem-solving, teamwork, and creative thinking, all in a fun and safe environment., minimumInvestmentValue=50000, leadSource=3, profileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=573, height=382}, alt=Logo, narrowImage={src=, width=573, height=382}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], _parentFiles=[/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs], sponsoredOverrideProfileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Logo, image={src=, width=573, height=382}, narrowImage={src=, width=573, height=382}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], subIndustries=, franchiseAssociations=, disableLeadRequest=false, universeDescription=, sponsoredProfileTitle=Featured Franchise, url=, partTime=false, requested=false, numberOfUnits=0, homeBased=false, categoryIcon=teddy-bear, mediaGallery=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Profile gallery image 1, image={src=, width=1290, height=860}, narrowImage={src=, width=1290, height=860}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Profile gallery image 2, image={src=, width=5000, height=3333}, narrowImage={src=, width=5000, height=3333}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Kids Escape Room, image={src=, width=650, height=433}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=433}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Kids Escape Room, image={src=, width=650, height=433}, narrowImage={src=, width=650, height=433}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Profile gallery image 3, image={src=, width=5464, height=3643}, narrowImage={src=, width=5464, height=3643}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=f7863a410e5a14050ac4a8ad8ebef0bbd, videoId=6boqQLUFJWg, videoTitle=Kids Escape Room Franchise Video, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], allowNavOverflow=true, location=Opportunities available throughout Europe., previousMonthLeadCounts=11, businessType=Franchise, category=[{_template=/core/link/Link.hbs, body=Children's Franchises, contentId=0000015c-d61a-d671-affd-d7beea0c0000, href=, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], previousMonthPageViews=193}
Since our launch in 2019, we have successfully created innovative themed rooms that engage young minds in problem-solving, teamwork, and creative thinking, all in a fun and safe environment.
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Quick facts
{yearEstablished=0, _template=/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs, backgroundImage=[], description=The gift of learning since 1985! The Helen Doron Educational Group represents an outstanding educational franchise business opportunity for qualified entrepreneurs and prospective franchise partners. 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The Helen Doron Educational Group represents an outstanding educational franchise business opportunity for qualified entrepreneurs and prospective franchise partners. Our exclusive methodology and educational materials offer innovative, results-oriented educational programs in many important spheres of education for babies, children, and teens worldwide., minimumInvestmentValue=180000, leadSource=3, profileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=550, height=400}, alt=MAthRiders Franchise Image LOGO.png, narrowImage={src=, width=550, height=400}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], _parentFiles=[/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs], sponsoredOverrideProfileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=MAthRiders Franchise Image LOGO.png, image={src=, width=550, height=400}, narrowImage={src=, width=550, height=400}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], subIndustries=Education Franchises, franchiseAssociations=bfa International Member International Franchise Association Member, disableLeadRequest=false, universeDescription=, sponsoredProfileTitle=Featured Franchise, url=, partTime=false, requested=false, numberOfUnits=0, homeBased=false, categoryIcon=teddy-bear, mediaGallery=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=MathRiders EU, image={src=, width=488, height=300}, narrowImage={src=, width=488, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=MathRiders EU, image={src=, width=488, height=300}, narrowImage={src=, width=488, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=MathRiders EU, image={src=, width=488, height=300}, narrowImage={src=, width=488, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=fa4b26484f95444da89d45d7d6bc19222, videoId=cAU9n97xCJ8, videoTitle=MathRiders | Advanced, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=fa2653116ea5c4275841c15161928f408, videoId=yspSh5buuaU, videoTitle=MathRiders | Junior, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=f6e33df133bcc42e8b75b16856f665f07, videoId=byhIG6w3KXw, videoTitle=MathRiders | Starter, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=ff213117146ed4eb49acdc701c6d63298, videoId=YOSCbk21oNQ, videoTitle=MathRiders Junior | Students and Teachers, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=fe54c73c24ef248c88564fa705392024e, videoId=dzSScmDUOcA, videoTitle=Helen Doran talks the MathRiders Opportunity, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], allowNavOverflow=true, location=Opportunities available across Europe, previousMonthLeadCounts=3, businessType=Franchise, category=[{_template=/core/link/Link.hbs, body=Children's Franchises, contentId=0000015c-d61a-d671-affd-d7beea0c0000, href=, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], previousMonthPageViews=63}
The gift of learning since 1985! The Helen Doron Educational Group represents an outstanding educational franchise business opportunity for qualified entrepreneurs and prospective franchise partners. Our exclusive methodology and educational materials offer innovative, results-oriented educational programs in many important spheres of education for babies, children, and teens worldwide.
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Quick facts
{yearEstablished=0, _template=/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs, backgroundImage=[], description=The network created a variety of programs that can be used to teach science, technology, engineering, and math (STEAM) in a creative way for children between the ages of 4-10. Children who join the network's programs can benefit from the quality learning of the basics of physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering and software. The unique methods developed by Next Engineers ltd are based on methodologies that combine play, fun and excitement alongside quality learning and were developed by professional engineers and high tech workers. The basket of educational products we developed contains over 100 different activities in several learning programs, among them: programs for children ages 4+, ages 6+, ages 8+., training=true, className=ProfilePromo, media=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=493, height=300}, alt=Next Engineers , narrowImage={src=, width=493, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=493, height=300}, alt=Next Engineers , narrowImage={src=, width=493, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=493, height=300}, alt=Next Engineers , narrowImage={src=, width=493, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=1150, height=700}, alt=Next Engineers, narrowImage={src=, width=1150, height=700}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=1150, height=700}, alt=Next Engineers, narrowImage={src=, width=1150, height=700}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], title=Next Engineers , minimumInvestment=€28,000 - €35,000, availableLocations=[DE, PT, DK, LT, LU, HR, LV, UA, HU, MC, MD, ME, IE, MK, EE, AD, BOS, MT, IS, AL, IT, AM, ES, AT, AZ, RO, NL, NO, SRB, BE, FI, RU, BG, FR, SE, Kosovo, SI, BY, SK, SM, GB, GE, CH, GR, CY, CZ, PL, LI, TR], hatSticky=false, sbaApproved=false, yearFranchised=0, investmentValue=28000, sponsoredOverrideTitle=Next Engineers , disableLeadDelivery=false, id=00000189-6db5-ddca-a98d-fdff5f2f0001, headerSticky=true, sponsoredOverrideDescription=The network created a variety of programs that can be used to teach science, technology, engineering, and math (STEAM) in a creative way for children between the ages of 4-10. Children who join the network's programs can benefit from the quality learning of the basics of physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering and software. The unique methods developed by Next Engineers ltd are based on methodologies that combine play, fun and excitement alongside quality learning and were developed by professional engineers and high tech workers. The basket of educational products we developed contains over 100 different activities in several learning programs, among them: programs for children ages 4+, ages 6+, ages 8+., minimumInvestmentValue=28000, leadSource=3, profileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, image={src=, width=550, height=400}, alt=Next Engineers Logo, narrowImage={src=, width=550, height=400}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], _parentFiles=[/core/profile/promo/includes/ProfilePromo-quickFacts.hbs], sponsoredOverrideProfileLogo=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Next Engineers Logo, image={src=, width=550, height=400}, narrowImage={src=, width=550, height=400}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], subIndustries=Education Franchises, franchiseAssociations=, disableLeadRequest=false, universeDescription=, sponsoredProfileTitle=Featured Franchise, url=, partTime=false, requested=false, numberOfUnits=0, homeBased=false, categoryIcon=teddy-bear, mediaGallery=[{_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Next Engineers , image={src=, width=493, height=300}, narrowImage={src=, width=493, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Next Engineers , image={src=, width=493, height=300}, narrowImage={src=, width=493, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Next Engineers , image={src=, width=493, height=300}, narrowImage={src=, width=493, height=300}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Next Engineers, image={src=, width=1150, height=700}, narrowImage={src=, width=1150, height=700}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/core/image/Image.hbs, alt=Next Engineers, image={src=, width=1150, height=700}, narrowImage={src=, width=1150, height=700}, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=fbfd93fff80db489d9a781692adbae99e, videoId=4XFb2GSeVTo, videoTitle=Next Engineers, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}, {_template=/youtube/YouTubeVideoPlayer.hbs, autoplay=false, muted=false, playerId=ff6e99ad32b1e4df5888cdc057ee25c52, videoId=zeE00C2p2aY, videoTitle=Next Engineers | Franchise Video, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], allowNavOverflow=true, location= Single-unit, Multi-unit, Area developer opportunities available across Europe, previousMonthLeadCounts=5, businessType=Franchise, category=[{_template=/core/link/Link.hbs, body=Children's Franchises, contentId=0000015c-d61a-d671-affd-d7beea0c0000, href=, headerSticky=true, hatSticky=false, allowNavOverflow=true}], previousMonthPageViews=164}
The network created a variety of programs that can be used to teach science, technology, engineering, and math (STEAM) in a creative way for children between the ages of 4-10. Children who join the network's programs can benefit from the quality learning of the basics of physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering and software. The unique methods developed by Next Engineers ltd are based on methodologies that combine play, fun and excitement alongside quality learning and were developed by professional engineers and high tech workers. The basket of educational products we developed contains over 100 different activities in several learning programs, among them: programs for children ages 4+, ages 6+, ages 8+.
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The DCM was first established in 2019 in Zagreb, Croatia. Following an original approach, it presents the history of chocolate as a complete experience engaging all visitors’ senses.
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Edu3Dcation company was established to provide innovative education for children and teenagers in the field of 3D designing, 3D printing and 3D scanning.
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Trends & Facts about Children’s Franchises

Across Europe and indeed the world, the market demand for children’s services and products is steadily rising. As more people wait longer to have children, they tend to have smaller families which means they have more disposable income to spend on investing in their child’s future.

As the marketplace grows more competitive than ever, parents are more aware than ever that children require a whole range of skills and knowledge to succeed in their careers in a vastly changing world. This means that the door is wide open for entrepreneurs to set up businesses and services that are focused on enriching the lives and minds of young children while simultaneously helping them on the path to success.

The Children’s Market

Early childhood and care franchises are some of the most popular children’s franchises across the world. Within the European Union alone, there are more than 30 million children under the age of 6 who are eligible to access these services, meaning there is a huge demand for creches and early education centres across the region.

While educational services are the most popular for children, the market itself has huge potential for niche business ideas. Parents know that while additional tutoring in subjects like Maths and English can be hugely beneficial to a child’s overall education, other pastimes such as music, sports, dancing, arts & crafts and coding can also play a huge role in the development of a child. Extra-circular activities are key to helping a child become a well-rounded individual.


But why franchising?

You may be asking yourself why you should consider an established company to invest in rather than choosing to start up your own independent business?

The answer is simple: an independent business is a risky investment. Without the support of a parent company behind you, an independent business is more likely to fail within two years of opening due to unpredictable economic and financial difficulties.

A start-up means a lot more work at the beginning to build the company and grow market awareness without any guarantee on return on investment.

A franchise however, does not come with the same level of risk. It’s inherent stability even during tough economic climates, such as recessions, is reason enough to seriously consider a franchise investment.

Some Key Benefits of Investing in a Franchise:

  • Brand Awareness: Unlike an independent company, when you invest in a franchised business you are already walking into a reliable and established brand with a loyal customer base. As a result, customers already know what service or product they are going to receive so this means that you will have the opportunity to get ROI and profit a lot quicker.
  • Marketing Support: With smaller businesses, they have to create and devise a marketing and advertising strategy from scratch. Using data and market research, a company will have to spend a significant amount of time and money to deploy a successful marketing strategy that will put their business on the map. This will not be your concern when opening up your own franchised unit. The parent company already has a tried-and-tested marketing plan in place that won’t cost you any of your own personal funds.
  • Franchising support: You have the luxury of accessing a wealth of resources and expert advice from the parent company when you begin your franchise journey. They are with you every step of the way to help you build on the success they laid the groundwork for. From training days to financial support, you are safe in the knowledge that you do not have to go it alone.
  • Financial Support: While the vast majority of franchisors expect their franchisees to have a minimum amount of capital as part of the initial investment, many franchisors will offer financial assistance to entrepreneurs. This is usually done directly through the franchisors themselves or via a third-party agreement with bank. Aside from the financial support from the franchisor, many banks and financial institutions are more likely to approve loans for investors who wish to make a franchise investment as they know that this carries significantly less risk than if an entrepreneur was planning to open up their own business.

Children’s Franchises

For anyone looking to break into the children’s market, franchising may be your easiest route. Like a lot of other franchised business, you do not need a lot of experience to open your own children’s franchise, but you do need to be passionate about working with kids.

By owning a franchise, a person gets the unique opportunity to combine their love of working with children while running their own business.

For working parents especially, franchising also gives them the ability to be their own boss and create their own work schedule. This is a tantalising prospect for a lot of parents who feel that their current 9 to 5 schedule does not offer them the flexibility they need to balance both their professional and personal lives. This has never been clearer throughout 2020/2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic. As many countries across Europe dealt with lockdown and closures of businesses and schools, parents were also forced to cope with homeschooling their children while trying to work remotely at the same time. This prompted a lot of workers to re-assess their priorities; namely, it gave them the push to strike out on their own and become business owners.

Some of the exciting children’s franchises featured on Franchise Europe include Algorithmics, which is one largest programming school for kids with 150 franchises across the globe. They combine online and offline learning for more than 150,000 children and run programmes focused on making maths more exciting and fun for kids aged 5 to 17.

With a children’s franchise, the sky’s the limit on your potential.

The Next Steps

Starting a children’s franchise not only gives you the chance run a profitable business, but a children’s franchise also offers you the opportunity have a rewarding career while knowing that you are making a difference to the lives of tomorrow’s youth.

Begin the first step of your franchising career with Franchise Direct Europe by browsing our diverse range of children’s franchise opportunities TODAY!

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