
Fast Review

Opportunities available across Europe.
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Be your own boss and embrace freedom with Fast Review’s fast-growing franchise!
Fast Review Overview

Profit from a solution that is here to stay. Because today’s online reviews are tomorrow’s profit!

Seize limitless opportunities! Provide innovative Fast Review solutions to companies from various industries that wish to upgrade their online reputation. There's a lot of profit to be made by becoming a Fast Review franchisee.

Why Franchise?

As a Fast Review Franchise Owner, you will offer solutions for boosting online reputation to companies that operate in virtually all industries - Tourism & Hospitality, Retail & Shopping, Transportation, Healthcare, Real Estate, Government, Education, Media & Entertainment...

Fast Review enables companies collect positive online reviews, achieve stellar online reputation and maximize profit!

Fast Review allows customers to leave a review on relevant platforms in less than 10 seconds, on the spot, while impressions about a product or service are still fresh!

A constant stream of positive online reviews has a significant impact on a company’s reputation, attracting new customers every day, thus maximizing profit.

Fast Review combines elegant hardware - contactless cards, with powerful software, tailored to the specific needs of any company.

Fast Review cards use NFC technology to communicate with mobile devices, both Android and Apple. By simply tapping the phone on the Fast Review card, customers are directed to post their reviews on different platforms, to follow companies on social media, or to check out their latest offer - the possibilities are limitless.

Fast Review also has a few neat features that enable companies to mitigate the number of negative online reviews and to track how their competition is doing.

Online reviews are here to stay! In our digital age, everybody is online and everybody is relying on online reviews to make informed decisions when booking a hotel, a table in a restaurant, a medical service or when doing online shopping.
  • 90% of consumers say their purchases are influenced by online reviews.
  • 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • Online reputation easily accounts for more than 50% of a company's market value.
For most companies, online reviews are the most valuable source of inbound marketing.

Fast Financials

Benefit from a team that wants you to succeed. You will get expert assistance with planning, launching and running the franchise while making a significant return on your investment.
  • Franchise entry fee starting at 25k
  • Royalty fee 30%
  • Contract type: 5-year franchise agreement

You don’t need to have an office. You will have full support and you will be in complete control of your income. On average, Fast Review franchisees have 100% ROI in less than 100 days.

Benefit from Fast Review’s established brand reputation. TERRITORIES ARE GOING FAST. ACT FAST.


Fast Review Financial Data
The following financial information was provided by Fast Review to give you more information about the costs associated with a Fast Review opportunity
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The Museum of Illusions chose the Fast Review solution to increase the number of visitor reviews

Cooperation of domestic franchises

Today, reviews are the holy grail in business and the biggest currency, especially in tourism.

However, people are often not aware that reviews will often leave the user dissatisfied, and much less satisfied - and that is exactly why consumers should be motivated by communication to leave reviews if they are of course satisfied with the experience, i.e. the overall service.

At the heart of the business of the Museum of Illusions (MI), the experience is the main player or the beginning and the end. Precisely with the goal of satisfied visitors leaving their reviews after the tour, the Museum of Illusions has integrated the solution of Fast Review, a domestic travel tech company and a growing franchise that is expanding throughout Europe.

Fast Review helps get more positives online review and feedback from clients at the moment dok are still using the service and while their impressions are fresh, it also helps strengthen the brand vision and maintain client satisfaction.

Theo Širola, the director of Metamorfoza doo states that in the phase of exponential growth they are currently in, they were looking for an option that would make it easier for their visitors to leave reviews.

"Cooperation with FastReview turned out to be an interesting option that speeds up the whole process and helps us get feedback from our visitors more often, as well as increase the total number of reviews. Reviews definitely play a significant role in shaping the perception of a product, service or experience. Positive reviews can increase credibility, attract more visitors and contribute to the overall success, especially when it comes to an experience-based concept like the Museum of Illusions. let's improve the experience of our visitors. The key thing is to make it easy for people who are satisfied to leave a review, and that's exactly what FastReview helps us do.", points out Širola.

Fast Review points out that they are proud that the Museum of Illusions has chosen them as partners with the aim of helping them collect thousands of new positive reviews and improve their reputation in the digital world because, as they say, "the whole world needs to see the magic they create."

The Museum of Illusions is the largest private chain of museums in the world and currently has over 40 locations worldwide, and by 2026 the Museum of Illusions aims to create a network of 100 museums.

As we already wrote, with the aim of expanding on the American market, MI distinguished themselves with a different concept. In addition to the franchise model, in certain new locations Museums are managed independently, which is certainly a big step forward.

"The new business model implies that in addition to the franchise Museums of Illusions in the world, we are currently opening corporate ones that are fully managed by Metamorfoza's team of experts from Zagreb. We opened the first such museum of our own in Charlotte last year, and recently new museums were opened in Minneapolis, specifically in the Mall of America, and the one in Atlanta where we also opened an American office, which will be an extension of the one in Zagreb in terms of management.

Museums in this format are currently planned in some of the key cities of the USA and Europe, such as Denver, San Diego, Seattle, Copenhagen, and Las Vegas, which will open in a month, and by the end of 2026, we plan to create a network of round hundred Museum of Illusions" Širola concludes.

It is interesting that it is a collaboration of domestic franchises, since both Museum of Illusion and Fast Review are expanding their business globally and through the franchise model.

Fast Review Testimonials
Fast Review has provided me with the perfect balance of freedom and support, allowing me to run my own business while benefiting from the expertise of a trusted brand. This flexibility has enabled me to prioritize my personal life while unleashing my creativity in innovative ways, ultimately leading to financial stability and remarkable earning potential. With a proven business model and ongoing support, Fast Review has not only given me the tools to succeed but also the opportunity to thrive and build a secure future for myself and my family. I am grateful for this incredible journey and excited for the continued growth ahead as a proud member of the Fast Review family.
Ivana Prvanović, Fast Review franchisee for Serbia and Montenegro
Fast Review Videos
February 09, 2024 03:20 PMHow Fast Review works

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